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Transform your cloud to Cloud Deluxe™

In the year since made its public debut, we’ve been hard at work leveraging our foundational clock synchronization technology to build and test new solutions for time-sensitive applications. Last year, we introduced Latency Sensei, a new way to sense what’s going on in your cloud network. Now, we’re adding control. (Read the full press release here.) Networks have always been jittery and dropped packets. Prior solutions were implemented at the switch level, requiring access and changes to the infrastructure – which isn’t possible for cloud customers. Today, we’re pleased to unveil Cloud Deluxe™, a suite of software tools that […]

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What Latency Really Means for Business

Network latency’s cost implications for businesses are reflected in how users respond. By thinking about performance from a user-centric perspective, latency’s impact – and the way forward – become much more clear and measurable.

Knowing what latency costs is a helpful way to understand the strategic implications of better synchronization for your business, and whether more can be done to provide a better customer experience across device and network differences.

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Easily Meet MiFID II Time Sync Requirements

Financial services firms in Europe and the United States are subject to clock synchronization regulations under ESMA’s MiFID II and FINRA’s CAT standards, meaning all business clocks used to record the date and time of any reportable event must be synchronized within a specified timestamp granularity (depending on the type of trading). See how Clockwork makes it easy to fulfill compliance requirements.

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Podcast: Is Self-Programming Technology the Future?

One of the early trials of Clockwork’s clock synchronization technology was conducted at Nasdaq, as featured in the New York Times.  In June 2018, co-founder Balaji Prabhakar spoke with Tom Fay, then SVP of Nasdaq’s Enterprise Architecture and System Engineering, about their work together leveraging Stanford-based research on self-driving networks and high precision clock synchronization.

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