Sign up for early access to the Clockwork API
Get Time-as-a-Service with UTC sources and globally distributed Clockwork time servers.
Accurate time sync with Google TrueTime-like API for any environment.
What is it?
From our groundbreaking research work on Huygens, Clockwork Clock Sync has been developed into an enterprise-grade solution, validated and deployed by many financial and high tech companies.
Now, we’re offering this service as an API to make it easy for any developer to get globally consistent timestamps for applications.
- 3 orders of magnitude more accurate than typical NTP
- Each timestamp is expressed as an interval (earliest, latest), with millisecond-level bound
- Intuitive dashboards for monitoring and visualizing clock performance
Use cases
With the ability to order events accurately at scale, there are many use cases. Here are some ideas, we’d love to hear from you, email us at
- Analyze logs across nodes for faster troubleshooting
- Build a global sequencer for transaction processing
- Ensure accuracy and fairness in multiplayer games
- Enable more frequent snapshotting
- Improve performance of distributed databases
- Drastically improve microservices monitoring
Sample application
Shown below is a distributed tracing application built with Clockwork API, it eliminates clock skew and provides deeper insights for understanding user journeys

- Order child span execution times accurately
- Compare multiple traces instead of one trace at a time
- Decompose total request completion time into outbound network time, compute time and inbound network time.
- For more details, please see this blogpost